Saturday, June 2, 2007

6/2 Thought of the Day: Nintendo TV Shows/Movies part 1

This is something I've thought about many times. What if Nintendo were to make at TV show or movie about one of their current franchises? Yes, they have done it in the past, but I can see awesome potential for one now. I have a few ideas in particular. Why not make a Super Smash Bros. TV show or Movie? That would be amazing! The story could be something like this:

"In our universe, there are many dimensions. Each has different world and people inside of it, and different wonders to experience. But there is one being that is not in any dimension in particular, a being that rules all of the dimensions: Master Hand. The Master Hand watches over the dimensions in hope of creating peace in all of them. But one day, another being appears, one that is the complete opposite of Master Hand: Crazy Hand. Crazy Hand's goal is to take over all of the dimensions by creating evil villains for the people in the dimensions and destroying all that is good. This war of supreme beings, Master Hand vs. Crazy Hand, causes a catastrophe.

An inter-dimensional portal is created. People from one dimension encounter people from other dimensions. The chaos starts when an evil creature named Bowser kidnaps a princess named Peach in one of the dimensions. Mario goes after Bowser in an effort to save the princess. Meanwhile, Bowser comes face to face with an evil man named Ganondorf, who has also kidnapped a princess, named Zelda. Mario encounters a man named Link, who is searching for Zelda in Mario's dimension. As time goes on, more and more dimensions are mixed, and soon, the people from all of the dimensions join together to create two teams, one of good and one of evil. As days go by, everyone is transported throughout each of the dimensions and things get more and more chaotic. It is up to the heroes of the dimensions to stop the dark creatures of the dimensions, and only when they do that, can they close the dimensional portal, and thus end the war between Master Hand and Crazy Hand."

I think that would make a great TV show/Movie, but for a movie, it might be crammed full of stuff. I see it as more of a TV show, one that would be so awesome to watch. A few other ideas I have are of Mario Kart and Animal Crossing. Over the next two days, I'll tell you about those ideas. Please post your comments about my Super Smash Bros. TV Show/Movie idea.

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